Verruca Needling
What are verrucas/warts?
Verrucas are benign tumours caused by an infection of skin cells by the double stranded DNA Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
There are currently more than 200 known types of HPV but the most common warts on hands and feet are subtypes HPV-1, 2,4,27 and 57. Some verrucas are singular and extremely painful whilst some are multiple but without pain.
Treating Verrucas
As it is a virus, just like the common cold there is no cure. Podiatrists can use a variety of different treatments to initiate an immune response for the body to produce its own antigens in order to eradicate the wart.
The foot + body mechanic can advise several treatment options for verrucas including dry needling.
Dry needling
Dry needling under a local anaesthetic is a relatively new and effective technique used in the UK to treat plantar warts. It is a very simple and safe procedure which is pain free, usually requires only one treatment, will not cause scarring and gentle exercise can be resumed a few days after treatment.
An initial assessment is required first to discuss suitability for the procedure. The treatment process involves having a local anaesthetic in the foot, allowing it to go numb to pain sensation then needling and dressing the verruca. It will take 90 minutes in total. You will be given a clean dressing to put on the next day and seen again 8-weeks post treatment. In comparison, cryotherapy or acid treatment, usually requires monthly/weekly visits making dry needling a significantly more cost effective treatment option.